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Protect Yourself Online!

This site is a portal to all the other sites that expose the truth about Katy McGreevey. First off, she has impersonated many people online. She also has threatened several people since December 2001. She has sent false reports to hosting companies, police, and ISPs. She has posted lies about her victim on message boards throughout the internet. She has attempted to hack her victim's internet account many times. She has hundreds upon thousands of LiveJournal, DiaryLand, AIM, Hotmail, Yahoo, and domain accounts online. Her main four personalities do her dirty work for her, but she signs her own comments from time to time on her main site. She stalks her victim daily, with no reguards to the agreement that she made with the West Chester Police. There is a site that exposes her lies on a daily basis. Go to it. You have been warned about this sickening, psycho, dangerous stalker. Her only accomplishments at the age of thirty that she is proud of is that she's white, works at a BlockBuster store (for minimum wage, no doubt), and has a domain. If I ever am that pathetic at 30, I'll kill myself. Now go forth and do something about this internet freak.

.:2:28 PM